Lost Horse selects Cohere as recipient of a grant to support work with refugee leaders

Tue, Apr 4, 2023

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At the end of 2022 Cohere was selected to be the recipient of a grant from the North American philanthropic organisation, Lost Horse Foundation.

Lost Horse selects Cohere as recipient of a grant to support  work with refugee leaders

The grant of $2.5 million has been given to build on our work supporting refugee-led organisations across the African continent, acknowledging Cohere’s role in advancing social justice and combating social inequalities amongst refugees through a wide spectrum of partnerships with refugee-led organisations and the growth of our innovative platform, Reframe.

Cohere’s work currently benefits 55,738 people through a network of 42 Refugee Led Organisations. This generous grant contributes meaningfully to our 2023 projected expenses but the continued support of donors to achieve our 2023 objectives - and other long-term development goals - is necessary.

Lost Horse is committed to ‘supporting the voice and opportunities of people from underserved communities’ including Cohere amongst the 343 organisations that were beneficiaries of this generous donation.

As Mackenzie Scott wrote in her announcement of the donations, she was inspired by a quote ‘used in disability communities: “Nothing about us without us.”’ which corresponds to Cohere’s objectives and aspirations impacting refugee communities Refugees must be in the driving seat of the decisions that impact their lives deciding their future on their own terms.

Our mission to support refugee leaders and organisation worldwide who are transforming their communities through direct funding and capacity strengthening across the world, is big, bold and ambitious, and we know that the coming years will be definitive as we strive to prove that a different way of delivering humanitarian support is not just possible, but essential. We are challenging a system that is still insufficient to serve the people most vulnerable.

In a world which is facing climate disasters, wars, famines, and when more people are becoming displaced every single day, Cohere is amongst the players leading this change. This generous grant is part of the necessary resources enabling Cohere to achieve its objectives, and we call on the generosity of our/the donor community not to subside, so Cohere can transform this ambitious aim into reality. It is due to the regular monthly donations of our supporters, and the generous support of organisations (trusts, foundations, corporates) that we are here today. We continue to rely on this support too as we continue on our journey to ensure that power is shared with refugees, that refugee-led organisations are receiving the funds they need to transform their communities, and that is led by these organisations at the centre of them who have the best solutions.

We are grateful to Lost Horse for realizing the impact and potential in our work, and for helping us create new opportunities. This is the beginning of a journey, and we count on your continued support to enable us to accomplish this mission.

Support Cohere today and be part of the journey.